Brown Bag Talk: Raj Magesh

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

How much do we know about visual representations? Quantifying the dimensionality gap between DNNs and visual cortex'. Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) can explain a large portion of variance in image-evoked cortical responses by accounting for the highest variance latent dimensions in neural data, such as dimensions corresponding to animacy, aspect ratio, and curvature. However, […]

Brown Bag Talk: Atlas Kazemian

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Current MA student Atlas Kazemian will give a talk on "Toward a computational neuroscience of visual cortex without deep learning."

Brown Bag Talk: Jane Li

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Dog, cat, and leash: Difference in processing costs among inflectional allomorphs during speech production. Abstract: We need to generate contextually-appropriate inflections to produce well-formed words and sentences, and a key component of this process is generating the correct allomorph – variant pronunciations of a morpheme. In this project, we examine the processing costs of the English regular […]