Ella Buring

Ella Buring

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Homesign, syntax emergence, language evolution, and Optimality Theory
Delilah Catron

Delilah Catron (she/her)

Zirui Chen

Zirui Chen

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Cognitive neuroscience, visual perception, computational modeling, fMRI
Riad Dajani

Riad Dajani

  • MA Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Brain-Machine Interfaces and Cognitive Augmentation
Jorie Fleming

Jorie Fleming

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Language processing, sign Language, emerging languages
Kathy Garcia

Kathy Garcia

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Computational cognitive neuroscience, visual perception
Raj Magesh Gauthaman

Raj Magesh Gauthaman

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Visual perception, computational models of neural systems, psychophysics, fMRI
Kelsey Han

Kelsey Han

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Computational modeling, neuroimaging, visual perception, representation in biological and artificial systems
Atlas Kazemian

Atlas Kazemian

  • Visiting Graduate Scholar
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Cognitive neuroscience, computational models of vision, visual perception
  • Main Adviser: Mick Bonner
Ata Kolday

Ata Kolday

  • Visiting Graduate Scholar
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Developmental dysgraphia
  • Main Adviser: Brenda Rapp

Milena Krstic

Jane Li

Jane Li

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Psycholinguistics, computational morpho-phonology, lexical access in speech production
Manasi Malik

Manasi Malik (she/her/hers)

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, brain networks, computational modelling
Taylor Martinez

Taylor Martinez

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Psycholinguistics, event cognition, perspective-taking, and spatial language
Emalie McMahon

Emalie McMahon

Yash Mehta

Yash Mehta

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Multimodal deep learning, foundation models, AI for health
Karl Mulligan

Karl Mulligan

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Natural language processing, learnability, syntax-semantics interface, pragmatics, numerical cognition, spatial cognition
Ananya Passi

Ananya Passi (she/her/hers)

Ivan Ramirez

Ivan Ramirez

  • MA Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Cognitive neuroscience, atypical cognition, neuroimaging

Yingqi Rong

Tailai Shen

Tailai Shen

  • MA Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Computational cognitive neuroscience, neural representation, perception
Alex Shilen

Alex Shilen

Sartaj Singh

Sartaj Singh

Hannah Small

Hannah Small

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Cognitive neuroscience, dynamics of social perception, cortical organization, computational modeling
Paul Soulos

Paul Soulos

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Computational modeling, neural implementation of structure, probabilistic models of cognition
Wade Townley

Wade Townley

  • Visiting Graduate Scholar
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Representations, visual perception, computational cognitive neuroscience, foundations of cognitive science, AI
  • Main Adviser: Mick Bonner
Angela Xu

Angela Xu

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Theoretical, experimental, and computational phonology, morphology, phonetics-phonology interface, psycholinguistics, and fieldwork
Alan Zhou

Alan Zhou

  • PhD Student
  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, representation in neural systems, computational modelling