Below are the first destinations and current positions of our PhD alumni. If you would like to see what our alumni say about the program in their own words, visit the Alumni Testimonials page.
Alumni information is updated on an annual basis. If you have updated information, please contact our academic coordinator.
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Name | Conferral Year | Dissertation Title | Initial Placement | Last Known Position (if different) |
Pasquinelli, Rennie | 2024 | Do rules rule tense learning in people with Williams syndrome? Tense knowledge in typical and atypical development | MS in Marriage & Family Therapy Northwestern University | |
Arehalli, Suhas | 2023 | Structural Representations in Online Syntactic Processing: An Artificial Neural Network Approach | Assistant Professor Dept of Computer Science Macalester College | |
Nguyen, An | 2023 | Acquiring Syntactic Variation: Regularization in Wh-Question Production | Human Factors Consultant SEA Ltd | |
Neophytou, Kyriaki | 2023 | Selection in Written Language Production: Evidence from Aphasia | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept of Neurology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine | |
Zhu, Hongru | 2023 | Investigating compositional visual knowledge through challenging visual tasks | Applied Scientist Cruise | |
McCoy, Tom | 2022 | Implicit compositional structure in artificial neural networks | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept of Psychology Princeton University | |
Prasad, Grusha | 2022 | Towards Characterizing Incremental Structure Building During Sentence Comprehension | Assistant Professor Dept of Computer Science Colgate University | |
Li, S.P. Donald | 2021 | Computational Models of Feature Representations in the Ventral Visual Stream | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ. | Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Lalisse, Matthias | 2021 | Structure assembly in knowledge base representation | Independent Consultant | |
Srinivas, Sadhwi | 2021 | The semantics of (in)definiteness in bare vs. non-bare nominals: A study of Kannada and English | Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics Dept of English College of William & Mary | |
Kim, Najoung | 2021 | Compositional Linguistic Generalization in Artificial Neural Networks | Faculty Fellow Center for Data Science New York Univ. | Assistant Professor Depts. of Linguistics & Computer Science Boston Univ. |
Litovsky, Celia | 2021 | Structural Connectivity Underlying Executive Processing in Post-stroke Aphasia | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders Temple Univ. | Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Psychology Bryn Mawr College |
Lutken, C. Jane | 2021 | Cross-Linguistic Investigations of Syntactic Creativity Errors In Children's Wh-Questions | Postdoctoral Associate Center for Cognitive Science Rutgers Univ. | |
Davis, E. Emory | 2020 | Does Seeing Mean Believing? The Development of Children's Semantic Representations for Perception Verbs | Postdoctoral Fellow School of Education & Dept of Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ. | Research Specialist, Title I Office of Research Baltimore County Public Schools |
Clothier, Karen | 2020 | The Many Meanings of Many: A Pragmatic-Semantic Account of Ambiguous, Vague Quantifiers with Experimental Support | Senior Spectrum Policy and Regulations Analyst Teltrium Solutions, LLC | |
Chaisilprungraung, Pang | 2020 | Axes in Object-Centered Shape Representation: Insights from Mirror-Image Reflection Errors | Postdoctoral Research Fellow Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | Research Scientist King Mongkut's University of Technology |
Ellenblum, Gali | 2019 | Cognitive and Computational Modeling of Handwriting | Machine Learning Engineer Apple | Manager Safe Browsing |
Park, Jeongho | 2018 | Neural Coding of Navigational Distance and Functional Constraint of a Local Scene Boundary | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Harvard Univ. | Research Associate Dept. of Psychology Harvard Univ. |
Wiley, Robert W. | 2018 | How Learning Experience Shapes the Cognitive and Neural Representations of Letters | Lecturer Dept. of Psychology UNC Greensboro | Assistant Professor Dept. of Psychology UNC Greensboro |
Chodroff, Eleanor R. | 2017 | Structured Variation in Obstruent Production and Perception | Postdoctoral Researcher Dept. of Linguistics Northwestern Univ. | Assistant Professor Dept. of Computational Linguistics University of Zürich |
Atkinson, Emily E. | 2016 | Active dependency completion in adults and children: Representations and adaptation | Language Learning Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Linguistics Univ. of Michigan | Assistant Professor Dept. of Language Studies University of Toronto |
Breining, Bonnie L. | 2016 | Effects of Semantic and Segmental Similarity on the Production and Learning of Spoken and Written Words | Postdoctoral Fellow SCORE Lab Dept. of Neurology Johns Hopkins Medicine | |
Rothlein, David | 2015 | Letter Representation in the Mind and Brain | Postdoctoral Researcher VA Boston Healthcare System | |
Ferrara, Katrina | 2015 | Neural and behavioral sensitivity to boundary cues across typical and atypical development | Postdoctoral Fellow Center for Brain Plasticity & Recovery Children's National Medical Center | Science Policy Analyst Office of Autism Research Coordination US Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee |
Schubert, Teresa | 2015 | Cognitive processes of letter and digit identification | Postdoctoral Research Fellow ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition & its Disorders Macquarie Univ. | Senior Editor, Springer Nature Group |
Johannes, Kristen N. | 2015 | Geometric and functional knowledge in the acquisition of spatial language | STEM Research Associate WestEd | Senior Research Associate Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics WestEd |
Hsin, Lisa | 2014 | Explorations in Integrated Bilingual Grammatical Architecture | Postdoctoral Scholar Dept. of Philosophy Tufts Univ. | Senior Researcher American Institutes for Research |
Kirov, Christo | 2014 | A Bayesian approach to speech production | Postdoctoral Assist. Prof. Dept. of Linguistics Georgetown Univ. | Research Software Engineer Google AI |
Gurcanlı, Özge | 2013 | Development of lexical and syntactic representations: The Acquisition of symmetrical and asymmetrical verbs | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Rice Univ. | Science Policy & Programs Fellow, Association for Psychological Science |
Rissman, Lilia | 2013 | Event participant representations and the instrumental role: A Cross-linguistic study | Postdoctoral Scholar Dept. of Psychology Univ. of Chicago | Assistant Professor Dept. of Psychology Rochester Institute of Technology |
Beller, Charles | 2013 | Anaphoric descriptions | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Johns Hopkins Univ. | Principal Data Scientist & NLP Lead: Manager, Customer Care Elite IBM |
Zaroukian, Erin | 2013 | Quantification and (un)certainty | Postdoctoral Fellow Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique École Normale Supérieure | Cognitive Scientist Computational and Information Sciences US Army Research Lab |
Vindiola, Manuel | 2013 | Representational similarity: A Uniform method for guiding sequence production and constraining response selection during serial order production in spelling | Postdoctoral Fellow Computational & Info Sciences, US Army Research Lab | AI Research Scientist US Army Research Lab |
Wolmetz, Michael | 2011 | How we store the sounds of words: Examining the predictions of abstract and exemplar theories of spoken word recognition | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Johns Hopkins Univ. | Program Manager Human & Machine Intelligence, Research & Exploratory Development Dept. JHU Applied Physics Lab |
Fischer-Baum, Simon J. | 2011 | Position representation: General principles or domain-specificity? | Postdoctoral Researcher Beckman Inst. Univ. of Illinois | Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology Rice Univ. |
Ramadoss, Deepti | 2011 | The Phonology and phonetics of tone perception | Research Scientist Dept. of Neurology & Neuroscience Johns Hopkins Univ. | Assist. Director for Training, Assessment, and Career Exploration Univ. of Pittsburgh |
Culbertson, Jennifer L. | 2010 | Learning biases, regularization, and the emergence of typological universals in syntax | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Sciences Univ. of Rochester | Professor & Director of the Centre for Language Evolution, Dept of Linguistics & English Language, Univ. of Edinburgh |
Yarmolinskaya, Julia | 2010 | Perception and acquisition of second language phonology | Postdoctoral Fellow School of Education Johns Hopkins Univ. | Senior Lecturer Dept. of Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ. |
López-González, Mónica | 2010 | Ser and Estar: Their syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and acquisition in Mexican Spanish | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Otolaryngology Johns Hopkins Univ. | Senior Policy Expert Holistic AI |
Gregory, Emma | 2010 | Representing the orientation of objects: Evidence from mirror image confusion | Postdoctoral Fellow Neuro-Education Initiative Johns Hopkins Univ. | Director of Research Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center General Dynamics |
Goldberg, Ariel M. | 2010 | Gradient well-formedness across the morpheme boundary | Instructor Dept. of Psychology Tufts Univ. | Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology Tufts Univ. |
Morley, Rebecca L. | 2009 | Generalization, lexical statistics, and typologically rare systems | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Linguistics Ohio State Univ. | Associate Professor Dept. of Linguistics Ohio State Univ. |
Wayment, Adam | 2009 | Assimilation as attraction: Computing distance, similarity and locality in phonology | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Carnegie Mellon Univ. | Principal Program Manager Lead Accessibility + AI Microsoft |
Dessalegn, Banchiamlack G. | 2009 | A Vision of language: The mechanism, development and consequence of an interaction between language and vision | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Univ. of Chicago | Director MSI Reproductive Choices, Africa |
Finley, Sara R. | 2009 | Formal and cognitive restrictions on vowel harmony | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Science Univ. of Rochester | Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology Pacific Lutheran Univ. |
Medina, Tamara Nicol | 2007 | Learning which verbs allow object omission: Verb semantic selectivity and the implicit object construction | Postdoctoral Fellow Inst. of Research in Cognitive Science Univ. of Pennsylvania | Associate Teaching Professor Dept. of Psychology Emory University |
Jarosz-Snover, Gaja E. | 2006 | Rich lexicons and restrictive grammars - maximum likelihood learning in optimality theory | Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Linguistics Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst | Associate Professor Dept. of Linguistics Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst |
Medina, O. Jared | 2006 | Somatosensory frames of reference | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Neurology Univ. of Pennsylvania | Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology Emory University |
Chen-Main, Joan C. | 2006 | On the generation and linearization of multi-dominance structures | Postdoctoral Fellow Inst. for Research in Cognitive Science Univ. of Pennsylvania | Research Associate Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Savova, Virginia Z. | 2006 | Structures and strings | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT | Distinguished Scientist Precision Immunology Sanofi |
Buchwald, Adam B. | 2005 | Sound structure representation, repair and well-formedness: Grammar in spoken language production | Postdoctoral Research Fellow Speech Research Lab Indiana Univ. | Professor Dept. of Communicative Sciences & Disorders New York Univ. Steinhardt |
Lakusta, Laura M. | 2005 | Source and goal asymmetry in non-linguistic motion event representations | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Harvard Univ. | Professor Dept. of Psychology Montclair State Univ. |
Dilks, Daniel D. | 2005 | Human adult cortical reorganization and consequent visual distortion | Postdoctoral Researcher McGovern Inst. for Brain Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology Emory Univ. |
Davidson, Lisa B. | 2003 | The Atoms of phonological representation: Gestures, coordination and perceptual features in consonant cluster phonotactics | Assistant Professor Dept. of Linguistics New York Univ. | Professor Dept. of Linguistics New York Univ. |
Hale, John T. | 2003 | Grammar, uncertainty and sentence processing. | Assistant Professor Dept. of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian & African Languages Michigan State Univ. | Professor Dept. of Linguistics & Institute for Artificial Intelligence Univ. of Georgia |
Goldrick, Matthew A. A. | 2002 | Patterns of sounds, patterns in mind: Phonological regularities in speech production | Postdoctoral Research Associate Dept. of Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences Brown Univ. | Professor Dept. of Linguistics Northwestern Univ. |
Frantisek Kuminiak | 2001 | The Role of lexical ambiguity in the production of subject-verb agreement | Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Psychology Rice Univ. | Sr. Consultant Softec |
Wilson, Colin C. | 2000 | Targeted constraints: An approach to contextual neutralization in optimality theory | Assistant Professor Dept. of Linguistics Univ. of California, Los Angeles | Professor Dept. of Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Allen, Mark D. | 2000 | The Representation and processing of inflected forms in a multilevel lexical system | Research Scientist Dept. of Psychology Univ. of Washington | Director of Concussion Research CognitiveFX |
Gafos, Adamantios I. | 1996 | The Articulatory basis of locality in phonology | Visiting Assistant Professor Univ. of Massachusetts | Professor Dept. of Linguistics Universitat Postdam |
Leek, E. Charles | 1996 | The Representation of object orientation | Postdoctoral Research Fellow Laboratoire de Psychologie Experimentale Universite Pierre Mendes | Professor Dept. of Health and Life Sciences Univ. of Liverpool |
Whalen, John W. | 1996 | The Influence of semantic number representations on arithmetic fact retrieval | Assistant Professor Cognitive Psychology & Cognitive Science Univ. of Delaware | Founder Partner, Psychological Insights & Innovation Brilliant |
Cartwright, Timothy A. | 1996 | Early acquisition of syntactic categories: Theory and simulations | Software Developer Applied Physics Lab Johns Hopkins Univ. | Sr. Systems Programmer Center for High Throughput Computing, Dept. of Computer Sciences Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison |
Chialant, Doriana | 1995 | Identity and similarity factors in repetition blindness | Postdoctoral Respecialization Dept. of Psychology Univ. of Massachusetts | Clinical Associate Dept. of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School |
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