Explore the Department

graduate student typing on laptop

PhD Program

Training cognitive scientists who can meld disciplines into a genuinely integrated science of the mind and brain.

brain scan images

Master's Program

Graduate training is highly interdisciplinary and strongly theoretically oriented.

undergraduate lecture class

Undergraduate Program

Cognitive science majors study the mind and brain from multiple perspectives.

Upcoming Events

Colloquium: Marlene Behrmann

Title to be announced Abstract to come Dr. Marlene Behrmann's research specializes in the cognitive basis of visual perception, with a specific focus on object recognition. Widely considered to be a […]

Early Career Colloquium: Greta Tuckute

Title to come ABSTRACT: To come  Greta Tuckute completed the PhD program with MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences  in December 2024. Greta studies how language is implemented in biological and […]

Colloquium: Karen Emmorey

Title to be announced Abstract to come Dr. Karen Emmorey is a Distinguished Professor in the School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at San Diego State University and the […]

News & Announcements

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COLM Outstanding Paper Award

J. Hu and M. Frank were awarded an Outstanding Paper Award at the inaugural Conference on Language Modeling for their paper on "Auxiliary task demands mask the capabilities of smaller language models."

Launching OneNeuro: Deciphering the brain’s mysteries

OneNeuro is a new cross-disciplinary initiative at Hopkins that unifies a community of scientists across all scales of research from "molecules to mind" that includes neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists, data scientists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, philosophers, and others.