PhD Application Mentoring Sign-up

A group of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the Department of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins, are offering one-on-one mentoring about applying to our department, with priority given to prospective students from underrepresented groups. The sign up form will remain open until November 15, but we strongly encourage you to respond by November 5 for […]

Brown Bag Talk: Jane Li

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Dog, cat, and leash: Difference in processing costs among inflectional allomorphs during speech production. Abstract: We need to generate contextually-appropriate inflections to produce well-formed words and sentences, and a key component of this process is generating the correct allomorph – variant pronunciations of a morpheme. In this project, we examine the processing costs of the English regular […]

Colloquium: Evelina Fedorenko

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

The language system in the human brain. ABSTRACT: The goal of my research program is to understand the representations and computations that enable us to share complex thoughts with one another via language, and their neural implementation. A decade ago, I developed a robust new approach to the study of language in the brain based on identifying […]