Dissertation Talk: Natalia Talmina

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Pragmatic inference in spatial language. ABSTRACT: Spatial prepositions left, right, above, below, in, on, and others belong to a closed lexical class, meaning that the same spatial term frequently describes […]

Dissertation Talk: Suhas Arehalli

111 Krieger Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Structural Representations in Online Syntactic Processing: An Artificial Neural Network Approach. ABSTRACT: Speakers of a language are able to effortlessly determine whether sentences abide by grammatical rules: we instantly know […]

Dissertation Talk: Rennie Pasquinelli

402 Ames Hall 3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Do Rules Rule Tense Learning in People with Williams Syndrome?: Tense Knowledge in Typical and Atypical Development